Spring security (Acegi security once) configuration was for a long time quite exhausting task. Gluing together all filters, entry points, success handlers and authentication providers was not small price to pay for overwhelming flexibility of this awesome framework.
Starting with version 2.0, simplified namespace configuration (<sec:http/>) was introduced, allowing most common setups to be configured with just a few lines. Not much get changed with version 3.0.
However, this new configuration style introduced also one important limitation - only single one security filter chain with single AuthenticationManager can be configured using it. When you happen to have web application with two faces - Web Pages and REST endpoints, having quite different authentication requirements, you are in trouble. Only option is fallback to traditional bean by bean configuration.
Following gist shows how it can be done
What a massive piece of xml!!!
Limitation of single security filter chain was removed in version 3.1, which allowed to have multiple <http authentication-manager-ref="..."/> elements, each possibly with different AuthenticationManager.
Latest and greatest version 3.2 brought long time awaited Java Configuration, with sweet @EnableWebSecurity and WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter combo. To do not repeat same mistake again, this funny trick can be used to define multiple filter chains and AutheticationManagers.
But as an exercise, I also tried to disassemble configuration into old school bean by bean way. Let's call that poor man's spring security java config.
Following gist shows how it can be done
While this is not as complex setup as xml based example before, it is still big chunk of code.
Happy Spring securing!